What God has done in your life through Jesus Christ can never be taken away from you. It is your testimony that will follow you into eternity. This is perhaps the first collection of stories, essays, and testimonies ever collected in our lifetime that will declare why Jesus is Who He is, Why He is, and Where He is - which is inside each believer. This series of books will include such writings by Christians worldwide, and your story, essay, or testimony could contribute to one or more of these titles.
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Episode 8 - What is the name of your testimony?
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
If heaven were to recount your story, what title would they relate to you? For King David, it was him slaying Goliath. For Apostle Paul, it could be his conversion to Christ on the road to Damascus. What about you? You can have your testimony written and published in the Why Jesus Book Series. Start right now by giving it a title.